The Giants
June 3, 2023 @ 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm AEST
$ per ticket

Join us to watch The Giants locally at The Franklin Palais Theatre
Saturday 3rd June

Tickets available online or on the door if not sold out. To reserve a door ticket call 0497268220. Tickets Adult $15 Conc $10 Kids free! Bar & Snacks available!
All tickets available via
The Giants is an incredible film on the life, activism and political career of Bob Brown. Whilst looking backwards at a career that spans the Franklin River campaign, the formation of the Australian Greens, the Tarkine campaign and a remarkable political career as a Senator, it also explores the hidden life of threatened trees.
Australia is one of the few places in the world which has Gondwana-era forest and is home to some of the oldest and tallest trees in the world. We began making this film because we were horrified that our precious ancient forests – already decimated by the fires – were still being logged for wood pulp and turned into toilet paper, despite so many native species dependent on them being on the brink of extinction. Along the way we spoke with numerous activists and scientists – the more we knew, the more we were convinced of the urgency to save our ancient forests, not just for the trees, but the future of humankind. Our fates are intertwined.
Protection of our native forests is the easiest way to combat the extinction crises and climate change and it’s something that we can do today. Forests are immeasurably precious to human for their ability to store carbon, promote water cycles and water security. They also provide homes to our beloved native animals such as the critically endangered Swift Parrot, the Tasmanian Devil, the Greater Glider, black cockatoos, the koalas – they and their forests have a right to exist.
The story of Bob’s life tells us that everybody can contribute something to protect our planet and combat climate change – THE GIANTS is our contribution. It’s a story of natural beauty and wonder, of caring and defiance and of optimism in the face of adversity.
In the course of making this film we fell in love with these extraordinary trees – we hope you do too.
This event is held by The Bob Brown Foundation
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