Do you love yoga and music?
Or would you like to learn more about yoga?
Have you experienced the magic of the meditative state of mind, or would you like to explore that?
Do you love music? Perhaps you sing or play an instrument, or you love listening to music, or dancing…
Do you enjoy being in beautiful natural environments? Do you love to listen to the sounds of the natural world?
Yoga Sound & Song workshops are of full-day duration. They include sessions of:
Yoga ASANA or yoga postures, to release energy flow through the body, cleansing, releasing held tensions, allowing physical ease and comfort.
NADA Yoga the yoga of sound and music that views all life as being vibrational. This involves breathing techniques (pranayama), use of vocal sounds and mantra, listening to music and sounds, and mental focus on the subtle energy system of the body that classical yoga recognises.
Freeing the NATURAL VOICE with light-hearted voice production exercises, culminating in the joyful connective experience of group harmony singing.
RELAXATION with music using simple approaches drawn from GIM (Guided Imagery & Music).
Cost $80.00. Bookings: Satyamo (Judy Roberts) 0427 121 153