Ten Days on the Island organised several free events in the Huon Valley on Sunday 31 March, as part of ‘A Weekend in the Valley’ festivities. At the Palais Theatre in Franklin, the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra staged (3)  events. (Please click on the ‘read more’ link below for photos from the event!)

10.30am           ** This Concert is now Fully Booked** Peter and the Wolf – bring your children along to experience this classic children’s tale

2.00pm            Piano Recital – Beethoven, Ravel, Mozart, Schumann – 20 registrations still available!

7.00pm            ** This Concert is now Fully Booked** Night at the Opera – 3 of Australia’s finest singers perform popular opera highlights

NOTE – these concerts are free to attend, however due to limited seating we require that you register beforehand at:


Refreshments will be available, and a bar open from 2pm.  Palais doors open 30 minutes before each performance.  Support our local eateries by dining in Franklin before or after these performances

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