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Classic Movie: ‘Babette’s Feast’

November 6, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm AEDT

$5.00 per ticket

Starts at 7:15pm

Classic Movie: ‘Babette’s Feast’ (1987).

103 minutes, English subtitles.


Danish drama film directed by Gabriel Axel.  It received many awards including the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film (1988) (The first Danish film to win the Oscar).  During the late 19th century, a strict religious community in a Danish village takes in a French refugee from the Franco-Prussian War as a servant to the late pastor’s daughters.

Sunday November 6th 2022
Doors open 6.30.pm
Admission $5
Film starts 7.15.pm
Bar open.

The Palais Collective Shop will be open before the screening, please come in and browse in our newly refurbished space.

‘Bring a plate to share’ is back after COVID.


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